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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Mountview Middle School – Library

Members Present:                Peter Brennan (7:15 p.m.), Paul Challenger, Nancy Galkowski, Erik Githmark, Jacquelyn Kelly, Christopher Lucchesi, Thomas Pandiscio, Michael Sherman, Margaret Watson, David White

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager at 7:05 p.m.   Ms. Galkowski suggested that the Committee discuss future meeting dates and asked if there were any additions to the agenda.  She said that Kevin Sullivan is our MA School Building Assistance Authority Field Coordinator and Tom Kazmouski is the Project Manager. They will work with us throughout the project. The Committee complimented the presentations that were made by Dr. Pandiscio, Ms. Galkowski, and Mr. Githmark at the Special Town Meeting and briefly discussed the positive vote on funding the Mountview Feasibility Study project at $625,000. The attendants at the Meeting seemed interested and not angry, for the most part. Opposition, if any, did not fight hard at this meeting. Over 200 people turned out and vote was almost unanimous.

Ms. Galkowski reviewed the MSBA publications being distributed to Members:

1)  MSBA Owner’s Project Manager Selection Process
2)  Scope of Services for Project Management Services
3)  Instructions for Completing the Application to Utilize a Town Employee to Provide Owner’s Project Management Services
4)  Certification of the Town as to the Services to be Provided by Its Designated
    Employee-Owner’s Project Manager

There was discussion concerning the duties and responsibilities of the Owner’s Project Manager (OPM) and the MA School Building Authority’s (MSBA’s) close involvement with each step of the prescribed process to select an OPM.  Ms. Galkowski reviewed the process of selecting Owner’s Project Manager. In general, the Committee would select a few candidates and submit them to MSBA. The Committee would have representatives at the MSBA hearings on selection of the OPM.  Although there is no guarantee that the Committee’s candidate would prevail in any scenario, Mr. White commented that the Committee has the ability to advocate for its preferred candidate.

Organization of the Committee

Ms. Galkowski said that the Committee consensus was to wait until Town Meeting had approved the project and funding before organizing itself by selecting a Chair and other officers.  

On a motion by Mr. Lucchesi, seconded by Dr. Pandiscio, Paul Challenger was nominated as Committee Chair should he be agreeable with accepting the position.  Mr. Lucchesi reasoned that the project would need a strong and articulate voice going forward.  Mr. Challenger’s experience with other building projects and his knowledge  of finance as a long-time Finance Committee member will serve the Committee well should he be voted Chair.  He is also viewed as “neutral”, being perceived as neither a Town nor a School advocate.  Mr. Challenger said he would be willing to undertake the Chairmanship for one year; then, he suggested that the Committee organization be revisited if there is turnover in the Committee membership and once the construction phase begins.  Mr. White supported Mr. Challenger becoming Chair and fully expects him to continue in that capacity throughout the project.  Ms. Watson posed a question about how a member on the Committee would be replaced if that person’s goes out of elective or appointive office.   Ms. Galkowski said she would seek clarification of that process and report back to the Committee.  

On a motion by Ms. Watson, seconded by Mr. Sherman, nominations were then closed.  Dr. Pandiscio commented that Mr. Challenger is a good choice as Chair.  Ms. Galkowski then called for a vote.  The Committee voted unanimously in support of Paul Challenger becoming the Committee Chair.

Mr. Challenger asked for nominations for Vice-Chair.  Mr. Lucchesi nominated David White for the position of Vice-Chair; Mr. Challenger seconded the motion.  Mr. Lucchesi said that Mr. White has construction experience, having served on school building and town building committees.  His service on the Public Safety Facility project has proved him to be a good problem solver on various building matters.  Ms. Watson commented that the Committee should establish operating rules, a framework and structure to avoid any procedural wrangling in the future.  In her experience on the School Committee, the Committee Chair did not make or second motions.  Mr. Sherman said that he would second the motion to nominate Mr. White should the Committee think it necessary.  Mr. White said that the Board of Selectmen operates under less formal rules and that the Chair can second motions (although the Chair does not usually make motions).  The Committee agreed to revisit the Committee operating rules.

Dr. Pandiscio agreed that Mr. White is a good choice as Vice-Chair based on his experience and his positive assistance with the High School renovation project.  Dr. Pandiscio said that if the project turns out to include a renovation of the existing Mountview Building, the District would have to be involved on a daily basis to coordinate the educational programming and students.  On a motion by Ms. Watson, seconded by Mr. Lucchesi, the Committee unanimously voted to close nominations.

Chair Challenger called for a vote on the main motion.  The Committee voted unanimously to select David White as Vice-Chair.

Mr. Challenger asked if there were any other offices which the Committee wishes to establish such as Clerk.  There was discussion about selecting a Clerk and a Recording Secretary.  Ms. Galkowski said that Ms. Elizabeth Helder, Selectmen’s Secretary, may be available to take minutes.  Although the OPM will be responsible for much of the paperwork and forms which are required by the MSBA, the Committee should consider having a Clerk to oversee the preparation and filing of required forms and documentation.  There was further discussion about the role of the Clerk v. the OPM.  Dr. Pandiscio said that the MSBA usually deals with the District (rather than the Town) concerning documentation, procedures, and reimbursements.  Reimbursements from the MSBA are electronically transferred to the District and then forwarded to the Town.  He said it would be in keeping with this relationship to have his office participate in the tasks of Clerk.    Then on a motion by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Ms. Watson, Peter Brennan, District Comptroller, was unanimously voted as the Committee Clerk.  Mr. Brennan has experience in working with both the High School and Glenwood building committees and the MSBA.  

Owner’s Project Manager

Ms. Galkowski reviewed the handouts which relate to the duties, responsibilities, and scope of work for the Owner’s Project Manager (OPM).  Mr. Brennan, who has been the contact with the MA School Building Assistance Authority, said that the MSBA would be receptive to the Committee hiring a town employee to fulfill the duties of OPM.  Mr. Brennan added that the MSBA requires that an application, included in the handouts, be submitted to the MSBA should a town employee be the Committee’s choice. The candidate needs to meet state requirements.

Ms. Galkowski recommended to the Committee that Mr. Gary Kaczmarek, OPM for the Public Safety Facility building project, be considered.  She said that he has done an excellent job for the Public Safety Facility project, he meets the state standards, and he is interested in the Mountview project as well.   Mr. White said that he is in support of Mr. Kaczmarek as the OPM; his skill set is concentrated in building and construction and may need to be supplemented with an administrative professional.  Mr. Lucchesi was also in favor of this scenario and added that Mr. Kaczmarek has been an extremely valuable asset to the efficiency and effectiveness of the PSF Building process.  Mr. Lucchesi suggested that Mr. Kaczmarek forward his resume to the Committee members and that he attend the next Committee meeting.

A concern was raised that the MSBA could reject our recommendation for a town employee OPM.  If that happens, the Committee would have to advertise a Request for Services and hire an outside consultant to act as Owner’s Project Manager. Ms. Galkowski suggested that the Committee members review the materials to familiarize themselves with the role of the OPM.  Mr. Brennan will contact Kevin Sullivan at the MSBA to determine their review process.  Dr. Pandiscio was interested in expediting the process and said that a sub-committee should be formed to meet with Mr. Kaczmarek to determine his role as OPM and what skills may have to be supplemented.  The MSBA application asks for a description of the comprehensive plan for the OPM scope of services.  Mr. White said that there have been other school building projects within the State which have used a town employee as OPM and he offered to forward the Town of Andover’s MSBA application for their town employee/OPM to the Committee as a guide.  

After further discussion about the OPM sub-committee, there was agreement among the members that Paul Challenger, Peter Brennan, Michael Sherman, and David White would act as the sub-committee to meet with Mr. Kaczmarek and develop the application to MSBA.  Ms. Galkowski will coordinate a meeting of the sub-committee on Thursday, December 2, 2010.  Mr. Brennan will follow-up with the MSBA concerning their schedule for reviewing OPM applications.
The goal is to submit the OPM application to the MSBA before Christmas.  The sub-committee will report back to the Committee at their next meeting which was scheduled for Thursday, December 16, 2010.

Other Business

Chair Challenger said that the Committee should start early to prepare for Town Meeting approval of the borrowing and the subsequent ballot vote on the debt exclusion.  There was further discussion about the role of the Committee in promoting a Town Meeting initiative v. a ballot vote.  The Committee also needs to find community people who will participate.  It was agreed that public education about the project should be on-going.  Mr. Sherman and Ms. Watson volunteered to be involved; they have been involved in other past successful building project votes.  Mr. Sherman said that he is a marketing and communications specialist by profession and he is willing to apply his skills in this effort.

There was consensus that future Mountview Building Committee meetings would be held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. in the Library at Mountview School.  Ms. Galkowski will follow up with Ms. Helder about recording secretary duties.


There being no further business, on a motion by Mr. Brennan, seconded by Mr. Lucchesi, it was unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting of the Mountview Building Committee at approximately 8:58 p.m.

Prepared by:            Jacquelyn Kelly, Assistant Town Manager